About my work
I’ve been working with movement, hands-on bodywork and visualization since I was a teenager. Here is a description of my work, and how it has been shaped by Lyme disease. At the bottom of this page are links to some of my current articles and podcasts.
In my teens I fell in love with modern dance, and danced professionally well into my 30s. My dance practice is the foundation of my career in bodywork. I began teaching Pilates and practicing hands-on bodywork in 1998, and after rehabilitating several of my own dance injuries, chose to focus on work with rehabilitation. In 2010 I opened Hasti Pilates with a partner, where we specialize in injury rehab and pain management.
In 2014 I became severely ill with chronic, neurological Lyme disease. As part of my healing process, I developed the meditations available on this site. I used them to re-train my brain and body out of the crushing insomnia and anxiety that would hit in the middle of the night. When I began using these meditations, I started to sleep well again, and this was a turning point in my recovery. Lyme is so complex, and misunderstood. Writing about Lyme and chronic illness, and working with people with Lyme disease has become another passion of mine.
Throughout my career, what has fascinated me most is the ability of imagery to change physical function. Any dancer knows that what you imagine as you move will change the quality of the movement. What is less well known is this principle applies to physiology as well. If you visualize your lymph washing and cleansing your brain, it will begin to flow more freely. Using imagery guided by a hands-on practitioner is even more powerful. I see examples of this every day in my work, and within myself. I hope to help you channel your own power as you walk the path toward healing.
Select Articles and Podcasts
June 3, 2019. ProHealth, “Can Essential Oils Help You Win the Fight Against Lyme Disease?”
May 6, 2019, ProHealth, “Natural support for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s in Lyme Disease”
April 21, 2019, ProHealth, “Calming your nerves at doctor’s appointments”
March20, 2019, Lymedisease.org, “What to do when Lyme disease triggers Complex PTSD”
February 6, 2019, Living with Lyme podcast with Cindy Kennedy
January 5, 2019, East Bay Monthly, “The Tick That Took Me Out”
September 21, 2018, Lymedisease.org, “Pilates Based Tools to Heal Lyme Disease Neck Pain”
August 10, 2018, Lymedisease.org, "Lyme, Mitochondria and the Power of the Heart"
August 9, 2018, Lyme Ninja Radio podcast with MacKay Rippey
April 20, 2018, Lymedisease.org "Here's My Remedy for Lyme Related Insomnia"