Support your pineal gland to help heal chronic fatigue syndrome
Your third eye (pineal gland) - a force for healing fatigue
Your third eye, or 6th chakra, is located right between your eyebrows. The Yogic tradition considers the third eye an energy center related to wisdom, clairvoyance, and the pineal gland. That last one always confused me. All the pineal gland does is release melatonin, I reasoned, what’s so amazing about that?
Well, recently I learned a lot about just how important melatonin and our circadian rhythm is for our health and well-being, particularly with regards to healing chronic fatigue. It turns out the pineal gland and melatonin release are intimately connected with how deeply we sleep and the health of our mitochondria - both of which directly affect our fatigue levels during the day. I’m feeling much more impressed with the pineal gland now. I want to support its function, and share with you what I’ve learned.
Here is an article I wrote for ProHealth, all about the Circadian Rhythm, Melatonin and Mitochondria - how to strengthen each, and alleviate symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. (Click the link to read it.)
Beyond what I discuss in the article, there more wonderful, witchy ways you can support your pineal gland, relieve stress and help heal chronic fatigue naturally. Here are two tools I have been loving.
Tap your third eye to relieve stress
There’s been lots of buzz about tapping to relieve stress and tension these last few years. I thought it was all a bunch of BS until I tried it. Now, I use tapping here and there, and I love it. It’s simple and works quickly. If it works for you, you’ll know right away.
Tapping just one or two chakra points works just as well for me as tapping the whole series of points suggested by some. It’s also easier to remember. Tapping the third eye point is my favorite.
Close your eyes, take the tips of your fingers, and gently, rhythmically tap the point between your eyebrows while you take a few deep breaths, paying attention to the sensations. When you stop, you should feel just a bit lighter and clearer, and more relaxed around your eyes and face. If you are still stressing, try tapping your heart chakra next (related to your thymus gland). Like I said, you’ll know if it works.
Palming your eyes
This is a trick from ancient Buddhist monks, who used it to improve vision. Recently the Bates Method began teaching palming for the same reason. Palming relaxes the muscles around your eyes. If you try it before you fall asleep, it may also stimulate your pineal gland to release melatonin, and help you sleep more deeply.
Lie down on your back somewhere cozy. Place the palms of your hands over your eyes so that you shut out all light. As you rest there, notice the crazy lights and patterns that you see. According to Bates, you only see these patterns if you have tension in the muscles around your eyes. Imagine the patterns resolving into perfect blackness. Stay for long enough that you begin to see less color and pattern.
Getting to the point where you only see blackness when you palm takes one ton of practice - I still see patterns. But even if you never relax all the way, palming soothes the eyes and facial muscles, and helps you sleep.
If you like the image of relaxing your eyes in perfect blackness and you want to go further, try my Cranial Healing meditation. It will deeply relax your eyes and entire cranium, including all possible energy points and endocrine glands. (If it makes you wise and clairvoyant, you’ll have to let me know.)
Wishing you deep, restorative sleep, and days filled with energy.